Me, Myself & I

I’m a doodler at heart who has always been drawn to the evolution of forming an idea into something tangible. No pun intended. Raised on a healthy childhood diet of satirical humor, 90’s cartoons, album covers, band posters, video games, and trading cards, my imagination was encouraged and transformed into an adult pursuit of the arts. This frequently culminates into a union of vector illustration, typography, iconography, and pop-culture references. 

After spending the better half of my 20’s skipping around the greater areas of New England and Philadelphia getting my feet wet as a graphic designer/art director, I took the leap to work for myself. Currently, I’ve put roots down with my wife and two daughters back in the Lehigh Valley, where I was born and raised, to continue my career working remotely full-time as senior graphic designer/illustrator for Fried Design Company based in Springfield, MO.